Consdierations regarding utilitarianism and protected classes.

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Sorry I haven't posted anything in a while. I decided to post an old thing I wrote a couple years back to the opinions section just to tide people over. Have had a very busy life as of late. Will talk about it more. Love y'all < 3

Arguments for and against the notion of protected classes of minority groups from a rule utilitarian framework:


A- a minority of a population may still ultimately make up a significant portion

B- a large number of people experiencing negative utility will reduce the net-median-utility to such an extent to effect the whole

C- any group that has a sufficient portion of the population to effect this net utility must receive moral consideration

D- the way in which these minorities may receive consideration is via protected classes

Therefore, we ought to have protected classes

Utility equation:

N = (U+U2)*UW

U = Majority population utility

U2 = Minority population utility

UW = Utility Weight

N = net utility

This equation presupposes that minority and majority populations must be considered equally, perhaps modification is necessary. Consider the following:

A) a majority population will produce greater net median utility than a minority population

B) to achieve rule utilitarianism, we must necessarily seek to maximize this net median utility

C) the interests of the majority may stand in conflict to the interests of the minority

Therefore, the majority must be weighted more highly than the minority

refutations of the above sentiments:

A) Minority populations may often make up a significant portion

B) this significant portion will result in a reduction of net utility if not considered

C) the interests of this minority are not mutually exclusive with the majority

Therefore, these minorities ought to be considered equally as the lack of their considerations will not produce maximum net median utility

A) Many minority populations (LGBT+) may be closeted or make up a much more significant percent of the population than current predictions

B) A large number of people who may effect the net median utility must be considered

Therefore, these minority populations must be considered

A) The lack of consideration of some minority populations (LGBT+) is predictive of poor utility for those outside of that population
B) see previous premises regarding net median utility

Therefore, these minority populations must be considered

Potential modification of the equation:

N = ((MUW*U)+(MUW2*U2))*UW

MUW = Marginal utility weight (majority)

MUW2 Marginal utility weight (minority)

U2 = Minority utility

U = majority utility

UW = utility weight

N = net utility